Helping you feel confident in color.

Pastel Purple Rectangle Blob

Virtual Color Analysis

Pastel Purple Rectangle Blob

Color Analysis Gift Certificate

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What is color analysis?

Color analysis is tool that utilizes the art ​and science of color theory and analyzing ​the hue, value and chroma of the ​combination of your skin undertone, eye ​color, hair color and how those specific ​features react to a collection of colors.

These factors determine which of the 12 ​seasonal characteristics best harmonize with ​your natural beauty, creating your personal ​color palette.

This is not your Mom’s color analysis that was ​popular during the 80’s, with house calls of ​Tupperware and Mary Kay parties.

Like everything, things have changed and we ​have evolved and adapted to offer services that ​were once only available in-person, can now be ​offered virtually.

Hand Drawn Boho Sun

Every seasonal color palette (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall) has characteristics that mimic features of the seasons.

aesthetic leaves

Each season then has ​sub-seasons that have ​their own ​characteristics and ​specific color ​characteristics.

Tree Branch - Rosh Hashanah Hand Drawn Elements Collection

There are 12 main ​palettes within seasonal ​color analysis that ​considers each ​individual and their ​unique features.

Fashion clothes on clothing rack - bright colorful closet.

What's in it for you?

You will have the most amazing tool that ​empowers you to take charge of curating a ​cohesive and colorful closet!

Your closet becomes a calm, cohesive place ​that looks tailor made for you. The ​overwhelm and anxiety of shopping and ​getting dressed becomes a distant memory.

I cannot wait for you to embrace your

inner and outer beauty!

It is such a simple process, you will wish ​you had done it years ago. Stop agonizing ​over what to wear, or having a closet full of ​clothes you don't love. You will feel color ​confident in just a few easy steps.

Arrow Dashed Line



Orange Shopping Cart

Purchase your consult.

clipboard line icon with checklist symbol

Fill in your ​questionnaire. Just a ​few simple questions ​about you.

Mobile Icon

Take a few selfies and ​send them to me. Don't ​worry, I guide you ​through exactly what ​do to!

Green Check
Green Check
Green Check
Green Check
Green Check

Digital color palettes to download

Hair, makeup & jewelry recommendations

Custom makeup palette ready to order

12-page PDF Color Guide

Color Hub - your quick access point for all ​your color resources and tools, easily ​accessible on your phone!

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You deserve...

To look and feel radiant and beautiful.

We all have beauty within us, and I want ​to show you yours. With a few simple ​changes, you can see yourself in a whole ​new way. We all have colors that look the ​best on us, and compliment our natural ​beauty and bring out our best features



Hi, I am Tressie!

Your Virtual Color Consultant, here to ​help you see your beauty.

As a retired professional photographer ​and photo editor, I have an in-depth ​knowledge of color theory, and a keen eye ​to see your best colors. I use the 12-tone ​seasonal color analysis system to create ​the most beautiful palette of colors to ​compliment you and your natural beauty.

Empowering women to discover their ​inner beauty has always been at the ​heart of my work in the world, and ​helping you feel radiant is an ​extension of that!

I love helping you curate a sustainable ​wardrobe of high-quality clothing in ​your best colors.

You deserve to feel confident in color!

xoxo, Tressie

Blurred Shadow



Soft Autumn

Thank you so much!! I've always ​struggled to understand the most ​flattering colors for myself and the ​overwhelm of that often keeps me ​from shopping altogether. I'm very ​excited to implement your guide and ​cancel some of that noise out.


Deep Winter

Wow, thank you so much. I’m so ​happy to have this information and I ​love how it’s formatted so it’s easy to ​use. I’m also excited to go through ​my closet and start putting things ​together and getting rid of pieces ​that really don’t make sense for my ​skin. This is such valuable ​information!


Cool Summer



I just have to let you know how ​thankful I am to be living my colors. ​It is a joy to get dressed now - ​whether I go out or stay in - feeling ​supported and authentically me. ​Thank you for helping me see what I ​could not see on my own.

Are you ready to be intentional with how you show up in the world?

Does this sound like you? ⬇️

Shopping stresses you out. You have a closet ​full of clothes and nothing you love or that feels ​like you. You follow all the trends season after ​season, only to feel less confident and lost. You ​have given up on your look, trying to feel cute ​or sexy, and decided it’s a lost cause. No one ​notices you anyway, so what’s the point?

Leave it to an expert with years of ​color experience that has helped ​thousands of women with an open, ​neutral mind and a kind heart help ​you learn what colors help you shine.

Simplify your life.

Streamline your closet.

Learn to show up confidently.

Fill your life with colors that compliment you ​and your natural beauty so you can create a ​curated closet that was made for you.




Rack with Clothes in Purple Shades on Lilac Background

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Copyright Simply Tressie Ann 2024